Hanging with the Photographers

I spent the evening hanging with my friends from the Louisville Photo Collective. Geeking out with cool people is always fun. It was an evening of finding cool phone apps and talking shop with a bunch of talented folks. The photo above is an example. We found iSyncPhoto for the iPhone and were eager to try it out. It’s an app that uses your off camera flash to better light iPhonography (yes, that’s a new word). After that, I shared some of the photos through Instagram for a retro look on top of everything else.

I had my regular camera, too, using a LightScoop to give that a try as well. It worked out pretty well, considering the LightScoop had a dark gray ceiling to bounce off. I wonder what neat new things I’ll discover next time we get together. Full gallery below.

2 thoughts on “Hanging with the Photographers

    1. Betty,

      The magazine is all over Louisville and it’s free. Try a Heine Brothers or Vint perhaps. As far as a digital format, I don’t believe there is one yet.

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