
Jellyfishing! Jellyfishing!

Though Jeremiah and I never saw SpongeBob or Patrick, we knew they would have been proud of us for spending some time at the Newport Aquarium doing some jellyfishing.

We didn’t bring our jellyfish nets, but I brought a camera to do some capturing.

Two Infinity and Beyond

Part two of my grandson Jeremiah’s two year old birthday celebration was at the Newport Aquarium and he had a big time. My favorite part is how he likes to laugh when my camera is pointed at him. He’s decided that’s the easiest way to bring up that million dollar smile. So I kept getting shots like this.

The New Two Year Old

My grandson, Jeremiah, celebrated his second birthday today amongst family and friends. And he was the center of attention, of course. The best part, I think, is that he knew it. He had an amazing time. I’m happy to see him smile. And I had to show him off.

Old Louisville Wildlife

My neighbor walked up to the brand new, and much welcomed, Old Louisville Coffee Co-Op, we took in the sights. That included this cute little bunny rabbit. It was quite the surprise for me to see a bunny in the middle of an urban area, but it was quite the welcome sight. Maybe he, or she, was happy the coffee co-op opened, too.

5 Years Ago Today

Abbi visited 5 years ago today for another Christmas themed shoot. Back in those days we were able to do what we called Christmas minis. They were economical themed shoots that matched the mood of the holiday and Abbi was able to bring the fun even though we asked her to do all kinds of stuff for the shoot. Even pose with Santa. Well, actually, it was Misty’s hand disguised to be Santa because who doesn’t give Santa cookies. Abbi was a great sport and we had a super fun time. I hope she is doing well.

5 Years Ago Today

5 years ago today, we were lucky enough to do two Christmas themed photoshoots. One with my eventual BFF Ariana. She doesn’t live near us anymore, but I still love Ari as much as the day we did these photos. She’s my rhubarb and one day, she’ll be old enough to check and see what a rhubarb is. Until then, she’s just going to be the sweet little girl she’s always been. Happy holidays to you, too.

She Had To Leaf

Bad pun, I know, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to try to bring you the kind of smile that Abby brought us all day on Sunday. Plus, you know, leaves.

When you do a senior photoshoot during these months, leaves are around as props and should be used. Abby used them and it looked like fun while she was doing it.

Brighten Your Day

I was wondering how I could brighten your day and I figured I’d let Abby do all the hard work since this past Sunday was all brightness and fun. She allowed us to shoot her senior portraits on Sunday which, as you know, puts a smile on my face. Each day I get to press the shutter is a good day. Are you next?

Just asking.

Yeah, I know. I Told You.

I think I mentioned yesterday that Abby’s smile would jump out at you. I figured I should probably show you and ta da.

Thank you, Abby. We had such a good time with you. Oh, and thank you for making sure I didn’t get hit by cars.