Going behind the scenes at Girton Images

During last weekends photo shoot at Otter Creek Park with Tanya, Michelle and Zachary, another photographer came along with Misty and I. My son London took my micro four thirds Olympus Pen camera and started documenting what we did. The idea came from him without any prodding from me. I think he wanted to stay busy. On a lot of my shoots, he holds reflectors or suggests locations, but after a while, he wanted to get into the act. He didn’t want to get in the way with the subjects, but he found the making of a shoot fascinating.

Now, I watch behind the scenes YouTube stuff by photographers all the time so I can get in their heads if I respect a particular photographer. This time around, I get to see how I work. That’s fun. He wanted to know if I wanted to use any of the pictures and I told him I did. He gave his permission. Those are the photos you see here.

I even like the one above so well that it’s my current Facebook cover photo. See all of what London saw below.




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