BIAK Brain Ball sneak peek

Eileen Hornback, Kadie Hays and Zack Hornback look over auction items.

I always get a kick out of the places my camera allows me to go. As a working professional photographer, you job means witnessing things other people sometimes don’t get to see. And when the Voice-Tribune comes calling, it’s always awesome. Thus, I took my camera to the BIAK Brain Ball last weekend at the Seelbach Hotel.

Steve and Terri Bass with Mattie Borders (as Glenda), Kevin Harned and Yuki Nakata (as Dorothy).

The theme for the event revolved around the Land of Oz and the lobby, Rathskeller and ballroom all took on the flair as a fund-raiser for the Brain Injury Alliance of Kentucky, or BIAK. As a brain injury survivor, I smiled when I got the assignment. Mine wasn’t as severe as some and you could see brave people in the room like Jennifer Hornback.

Mary Varga presents the award named in her honor to Jennifer Hornback.

Jennifer survived a car accident and was this year’s recipient of the Mary Varga Award. Mary, a brain injury survivor as well, personally handed out the award. Look for the full story in tomorrows Voice-Tribune newspaper. Meanwhile, enjoy the preview gallery below.

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