Covering Louisville Cardinal basketball

Russ Smith all alone on a break away slam.

I may have mentioned this before, but last night made me think it again. I love my job. All the I’s got dotted and the t’s got crossed and I got my credentials to cover the #2 ranked University of Louisville Cardinals basketball squad at the KFC Yum! Center. This year’s team couldĀ go all the way to the championship and I’m lucky enough to be along for the ride, covering the games for

All kinds of fans cheer on the Cards. Yes, that’s a chicken and a…I don’t know what.

So every home game, look for me and my compatriot Max Sharp, shooting pictures and writing winning stories of the Cardinal march to the Final Four. Here I’m posting the sights of the game, like the fans above. That sections will cheer the loudest and be the craziest all season long.

The Louisville Cardinal did some posing.

Check out the gallery below and look for the story of the game, along with the action photos at



One thought on “Covering Louisville Cardinal basketball

  1. Nice win against Miami OH. You really got to see the damage the Cardinals can do when they are click on all cylinders. Louisville will beat any team if their offense is strong. Imagine if Luke Hancock could have hit some shots. It would have been 50+ win.

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