Louisville basketball gets the micro Four Thirds treatment

Peyton Siva dunks with authority.
Peyton Siva dunks with authority.

When University of Louisville basketball played Providence on Wednesday things got interesting on quite a few fronts. First, the start time moved to an hour earlier than previously scheduled to give Cardinal fans a chance to watch their Top 5 basketball team play their first Big East conference game of the year and still get a chance to see their football team play Florida in the Sugar Bowl. What a great day for Cardinal fans because both teams won. I wrote stories on both for Louisville.com. See the basketball story here and the football story here. Below, find photos I took during the basketball game.

With the game safely in hand, the Cardinals take the ball down to run out the last 26 seconds.
With the game safely in hand, the Cardinals take the ball down to run out the last 26 seconds.

During the basketball game, I got out my Olympus Pen camera and shot a few pictures, too. I would never consider this an action camera, but shooting a few things here and there made me more interested in testing its capabilities again in the near future. I put a gallery below.



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