Louisville basketball back on track, This Is Louisville displays a new look

Louisville's Russ Smith keeps a close eye on Lamar Patterson.
Louisville’s Russ Smith keeps a close eye on Lamar Patterson.

Okay, the two subjects in the title don’t have much to do with each other, if anything, but it was a way to work in the fact that the two entities broke out in something new. The University of Louisville Cardinals had to play a game and win without budding star Wayne Blackshear or suspended player Kevin Ware. They did and you can find the complete story on Louisville.com, a site that I write and photograph Louisville sports for.

Coach Rick Pitino looks to Gorgui Dieng before they go live on ESPN with Jay Bilas (left).
Coach Rick Pitino looks to Gorgui Dieng before they go live on ESPN with Jay Bilas (left).

This article also kicks off This Is Louisville’s new look. As my photo love story to my hometown, I wanted a way to showcase more photos so that as soon as you came to the home page, you could see the fantastic city I live in. There may be more tweaks coming, but I’m pretty happy with the way it looks. Just like the Cardinals are pretty happy to have a victory after that three game losing streak. Below you’ll find my outtakes from the game.

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