In bed with Sue

Emma and the Ring Flash by Tim Girton

Provocative title, I realize, but not without reason. I’ve been following the work of Sue Bryce ever since she came to my attention almost two years ago. I discovered her photographic instruction when I discovered the internet godsend that is Creative Live. If you’re unfamiliar, Creative Live is part of the new breed of learning vehicle termed “massive open online course,” or MOOC for short. Their model is unique. When the classes are recorded live, they are free to view. If you would like to own the course, then you pay a fee. For the courses you like, you’ll want to because the amount of information given is staggering. The reason for the title? That’s the name of Sue Bryce’s website.

Sue has quite a few courses in glamour photography, which is why one of Emma’s “glamour” session is the lead photograph here. Sue also has business information so that you can manage the professional (read: the money) part of being a professional photographer. One of her courses, 28 Days with Sue Bryce, can even give your business a total makeover.

She also produced photos a video presentation of Jill Brzezinski-Conley called “The Light that Shines” detailing Jill’s cancer battle and the fact that there is beauty behind the struggle. Jill’s story is well-known to us in Louisville. Sue, originally from New Zealand, working in Australia and then the West Coast of the United States heard about Jill and wanted to do something special, so Sue took Jill to Paris for a shoot. You can see the video below.

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