Celebrating NuLu

NuLu Fest by Tim Girton

On Saturday, my daughter Talia and I took in the sights and sounds of NuLu Fest on East Market Street, the revitalized artistic area of downtown Louisville. Continue reading “Celebrating NuLu”

Louisville is Russdiculous

Russ Smith flies with the greatest of ease.
Russ Smith flies with the greatest of ease.

Occasionally on my Instagram feed, I’ll run themes. I’ve done the 30 days, 30 pictures themes. When I had a daily photo project, those would often find their way to Instagram. This past week, Continue reading “Louisville is Russdiculous”

Finally a Real Snow

Winter arrived in Louisville last night with a big, wet snow. A few days ago, it was in the 70s and spawning tornadoes and now this. Most of it has melted already, but for a photographer, it was a photo op dream. I went Continue reading “Finally a Real Snow”

Hanging with the Photographers

I spent the evening hanging with my friends from the Louisville Photo Collective. Geeking out with cool people is always fun. It was an evening of finding cool phone apps and talking shop with a bunch of talented folks. Continue reading “Hanging with the Photographers”