Candy Canes and Cocktails with the Junior League of Louisville

Two of my former co-workers, Jenny Goodman and Sarah Neff, participated in the fun.
Two of my former co-workers, Jenny Goodman and Sarah Neff, participated in the fun.

I always look for a reason to go to the Mellwood Arts Center because it’s one of the coolest places in town. They used to “process” pigs for our consumption. Think of Mellwood Bacon and you have the idea. After that stopped, the complex just sat there empty until some enterprising soul decided to repurpose it into a place where artists and vendors could have a space. I keep trying to decide whether I should get a spot. Until then, I just go for the fun, like last night for the Candy Canes and Cocktails event with the Junior League of Louisville.

One of the booth set ups.
One of the booth set ups.

Metromix assignments make me smile already, and then when I can go to a spot I really like, it gets even better. So at Mellwood when the Junior League of Louisville put together it’s 7th Annual Hollydays they included this event and I got to cover and do photos of awesome Louisvillians in the festive holiday spirit with shopping as the top item on the agenda.

Yes, she sells Cozy Tortillas.
Yes, she sells Cozy Tortillas.

So whether you wanted a Cozy Tortilla or you wanted to bid on silent auction items or just wanted to hang out with the girls, you could do it last night. Look for the full take on Metromix. Meanwhile, enjoy a few of the outtakes below.




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