5 Years Ago Today

Abbi visited 5 years ago today for another Christmas themed shoot. Back in those days we were able to do what we called Christmas minis. They were economical themed shoots that matched the mood of the holiday and Abbi was able to bring the fun even though we asked her to do all kinds of stuff for the shoot. Even pose with Santa. Well, actually, it was Misty’s hand disguised to be Santa because who doesn’t give Santa cookies. Abbi was a great sport and we had a super fun time. I hope she is doing well.

5 Years Ago Today

5 years ago today, we were lucky enough to do two Christmas themed photoshoots. One with my eventual BFF Ariana. She doesn’t live near us anymore, but I still love Ari as much as the day we did these photos. She’s my rhubarb and one day, she’ll be old enough to check and see what a rhubarb is. Until then, she’s just going to be the sweet little girl she’s always been. Happy holidays to you, too.

Monochrome Memorial Day

Another socially distanced holiday is upon us so we ended up doing a small celebration with close friends. And then there’s the photogeek that figures the alliteration would be cool. All that added up to Monochrome Memorial Day.

So I grabbed my Micro Four Thirds camera (yes, I still love Olympus) and used the built in black and white Art filter. Luckily, I liked the output and put together the collage in the Olympus software.

It was hard to fight the natural inclination to put the images in Lightroom, but I did. And I still like the images.

MOBILE: Never Used for Intended Purpose

It’s the time of year to display our Christmas guards. When I was a kid, I used to imagine that they guarded the erector set I begged Santa for. Well, that I told my mom to tell Santa that I really, really wanted.

Continue reading “MOBILE: Never Used for Intended Purpose”

SKETCHBOOK: Tis The Season…Finally

I say finally because Misty wanted to put up the tree two weeks ago but I was insistant that we get through one holiday, Thanksgiving, before we started on another one.

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SKETCHBOOK: What Have I Done

Hannah is one of my young friends. She and I talked about photography and then we talked about my portable mirrorless rig from Olympus.

Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: What Have I Done”

Dana’s Christmas at Girton Images

Dana Jean by Tim Girton

During December, we offered mini-sessions with a Christmas option. We had to make them in the Girton Images studio instead of going around the city, but that was okay with us. Continue reading “Dana’s Christmas at Girton Images”

Archer debuts on This Is Louisville

Girton Christmas by Tim Girton

Introducing our cat, Archer. He’s the kitten that, at times, pops up in photos from Girton Images so I figured I owed him a proper introduction. If you check back on Monday’s update with Emma, you’ll see her holding him in one of the photos. Continue reading “Archer debuts on This Is Louisville”