Birthday Mini with Mia

As you can see from the cover photo of this entry, Mia is one heck of a happy personality and her joy is contagious. She exudes fun and the whole time we did her two-year-old birthday mini-session, she was a breeze to work with. As you’ll see from the photos, it was nothing but good times.

Stepmom Kourtney had come up with the theme already and Misty dipped into her bag of tricks and props and came with another compelling photo shoot. All Mia had to do was be Mia and all I had to do was press the shutter button. That’s not to say I didn’t become Uncle Tim, which I do on all such occasions. Mia was kind enough to share her toys with me and, after the shoot was over, she also shared her ketchup from dinner with me as well. All in all, some fun and photos from a quick session and I got a little taste of dinner, too. I’d call that a win-win for Girton Images.

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