July 17, 2021 – Party Day

We’ve been doing our helping thing, because that’s what grandparents do, but today’s the day to let this little guy know how much we love him and love the fact that he’s here.

Misty and Kacy put together an insanely large and hard to put together balloon garland. The cake is pretty cool and the Sesame Street muppet cupcakes are ready.

Time to sing Happy Birthday and let him know how much we love him. That’s my favorite part. Sharing with him how much we love him.

Another Glimmer with Emma

When it comes to creating traditions, it’s a lot of fun when you do it with littles ones. About three years ago, we started going with Emma to the Kentucky Derby Festival Balloon Glimmer at Waterfront Park in Fest-A-Ville. I wrote a sneak peak last week after the Glimmer, but here are the others photos I took, starting with Emma herself. Continue reading “Another Glimmer with Emma”

SKETCHBOOK: Balloon Glimmer

I’ll have a full-blown post next week, but I wanted to share at least one photo from last night’s Kentucky Derby Festival Balloon Glimmer at Fest-A-Ville at Waterfront Park. It’s become a tradition with Misty, her best friend Becky and Becky’s daughter (my niece) Emma. This time around because of a scheduling conflict, Emma’s Uncle London couldn’t be there, but I told him not to worry because I was bringing back photos. I mean, it’s me. There will be photos. In fact, last year’s photos are here.