Jellyfishing! Jellyfishing!

Though Jeremiah and I never saw SpongeBob or Patrick, we knew they would have been proud of us for spending some time at the Newport Aquarium doing some jellyfishing.

We didn’t bring our jellyfish nets, but I brought a camera to do some capturing.

Two Infinity and Beyond

Part two of my grandson Jeremiah’s two year old birthday celebration was at the Newport Aquarium and he had a big time. My favorite part is how he likes to laugh when my camera is pointed at him. He’s decided that’s the easiest way to bring up that million dollar smile. So I kept getting shots like this.

The New Two Year Old

My grandson, Jeremiah, celebrated his second birthday today amongst family and friends. And he was the center of attention, of course. The best part, I think, is that he knew it. He had an amazing time. I’m happy to see him smile. And I had to show him off.

July 17, 2021 – Party Day

We’ve been doing our helping thing, because that’s what grandparents do, but today’s the day to let this little guy know how much we love him and love the fact that he’s here.

Misty and Kacy put together an insanely large and hard to put together balloon garland. The cake is pretty cool and the Sesame Street muppet cupcakes are ready.

Time to sing Happy Birthday and let him know how much we love him. That’s my favorite part. Sharing with him how much we love him.

Babies Are Wonderful. Grandbabies Sure Are, Too

Most of my published photos of Jeremiah, my grandson, have so far been posted at my mobile photography blog PXLpeep as an ode to my newly re-energized passion for mobile phone photography thanks to the Google Pixel phone. Continue reading “Babies Are Wonderful. Grandbabies Sure Are, Too”