SKETCHBOOK: Shelbie in a Popular Spot

By this time, Shelbie’s prom is in full swing but just a little while ago, we knocked out her prom photos and I know what you’re thinking and I can assure you that you’re right. She looks prettier than any princess that you’ve ever seen.

Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Shelbie in a Popular Spot”

All over Louisville with Kelsie

Kelsie Heuser Senior Portraits by Tim Girton

If you’re looking for some of the coolest and most picturesque places in Louisville, take a very photogenic high school senior, in this case Kelsie, and let her know that we can see some sights. Since we have the best clients ever, Kelsie was game to go wherever we wanted in search of good photos. We started at Papa John’s World Headquarters in Jeffersontown and captured awesome images like the one above. Continue reading “All over Louisville with Kelsie”

It’s Emma’s Birthday

Okay, not yet, but that was the theme of the photo shoot that Misty and I did yesterday at the Papa Johns World Headquarters. And I know what you’re thinking: Continue reading “It’s Emma’s Birthday”