She Had To Leaf

Bad pun, I know, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to try to bring you the kind of smile that Abby brought us all day on Sunday. Plus, you know, leaves.

When you do a senior photoshoot during these months, leaves are around as props and should be used. Abby used them and it looked like fun while she was doing it.

Brighten Your Day

I was wondering how I could brighten your day and I figured I’d let Abby do all the hard work since this past Sunday was all brightness and fun. She allowed us to shoot her senior portraits on Sunday which, as you know, puts a smile on my face. Each day I get to press the shutter is a good day. Are you next?

Just asking.

Supermodel Abby

We got a chance to work with Abby yesterday and had an amazing time. She was easy to work with and she got great photos. I was happy to be the guy standing in front of her and pressing the shutter. Now I get to brag about how she made great photos, but this supermodel did all the hard work.

I hope she enjoys her senior photos because I’m enjoying the edit.


We warned Abby during her senior portrait photoshoot that I’ll take photos like that. She tested me. I snapped. And you know what? She still looks amazing as she did in all her senior photos. It was such an exciting day for me because the pandemic mostly wiped out business. The fact that I got to exercise my shutter finger made for the best Sunday in a long time. Thank you, Abby. She did great.

This. Kid. Right. Here.

There’s a part of the Tao that I was reading today and it reminded me of my son London because it describes his personality. He’s never read the Tao and at this point of his life, he’s not even interested in it, but part of it is in him nonetheless. Continue reading “This. Kid. Right. Here.”

SKETCHBOOK: Braydon Looking Dapper

I’m a bad, bad blogger. Normally, I like to post photos from a shoot soon after and, sometimes during. But I have to admit to being remiss here. We were lucky enough to do a few more shot of senior Braydon and he rocked it out

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SKETCHBOOK: London Has The Blues

Don’t get it twisted. When I say London gas the blues, I mean those snappy dress blues that you see in the photo above. He’s spent four years in Valley’s Navy ROTC so when you do senior photos, you have to include some of those shots.

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SKETCHBOOK: Mighty Molly

Awesome senior Molly put up with me for a few more photos that I thought were important to documenting her life as a Butler High School senior. It’s one if those things about senior photos that I think of as mega valuable to the parents and to the kids later in their lives.

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Sketchbook: It’s Not Fair

Yes, you’re right. It’s not fair that momma Lynn has such beautiful daughters. I’m editing senior photos from the third one now and have already warned the fourth that she’s next.

Continue reading “Sketchbook: It’s Not Fair”