SKETCHBOOK: Getting in the Dress

One of the main focuses of wedding photography on the day of the ceremony is the dress. And why not? Wedding dresses are usually one of the main takeaways from the day. The couple, of course, is the main focus and Rob and Brittany are awesome together. Even if you didn’t know them, you could see it just by looking at them. But think about what the next question usually is: didn’t she look stunning in that dress? Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Getting in the Dress”

Prom Prep with Shelbie

This past Saturday, I got a chance to enter a new photo genre: prom prep. It was fun with our willing model Shelbie, who is totally beautiful, which you can see in the before and after photos above. I love that she was game for pretty much anything we did. It made my job much easier to just be able to shoot to my heart’s content. With what you’ll see, I think you’ll agree that she brought the pretty in a big way. Continue reading “Prom Prep with Shelbie”