Babies Are Wonderful. Grandbabies Sure Are, Too

Most of my published photos of Jeremiah, my grandson, have so far been posted at my mobile photography blog PXLpeep as an ode to my newly re-energized passion for mobile phone photography thanks to the Google Pixel phone. I lost the enjoyment of mobile phone photography when the iPhone was priced so far out of the realm of affordability after Steve Jobs passing and the Apple board of directors sheer greed.

But then Google got into the business and puts out phones I have to save up for but haven’t reached the point that I can’t get there a year after beginning the savings pot. Anyway, to see more photos of Jeremiah and other stuff, go there.

On the shot above, I had my micro four thirds rig and he was doing all the cute stuff he’s always doing and I got some good frames. Such a happy five month old. And London, my son, and Lady dote on him to make sure he’s being raised happy and healthy.

And if mom and dad need any help, well, grandpa and Mimi, Misty has already picked out how she wants to be addressed, are only happy to oblige. It was an incredible visit yesterday and he got some Mimi time and some grandfather time, too, as you can see by the smile and the direct look into the camera. I told him to get used to seeing me this way, with a camera in front of my face, because he’s going to see it often.

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