SKETCHBOOK: Ready to Party

The I do’s haven’t been exchanged yet, but Jason and his groomsmen were ready to start the party. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Ready to Party”

SKETCHBOOK: Jason and the Boys

This is the perfect microcosm of the wedding of Jason and Christy. Lots of fun, very playful and beautiful people. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Jason and the Boys”

The Graduate

Last Thursday, my son London graduated high school. It’s quite the accomplishment. Not that any high school kid sees it that way. But he’s got every reason to be proud of himself. Continue reading “The Graduate”

Cleans Up Pretty Good

Yeah, that’s an old country thing. “He cleans up pretty good,” they say. Or they direct it at you or some third party. But that’s okay because we’re in the country. Which is weird because Louisville is the crossroads. Too north to be southern but too south to be northern. And so it will be with London when we goes off to wherever life takes him. Continue reading “Cleans Up Pretty Good”

SKETCHBOOK: The Three Amigos

That’s London, Patrick and Brayden. They’re the football players we call The Three Amigos. They don’t. I don’t think they ever have because I’m not sure they have ever paid attention to how obvious their friendship is. On the football field, it was obvious. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: The Three Amigos”

SKETCHBOOK: The Squad Goals Photo

They’re 17 and 18 years old, so what’s a prom photo shoot without one of those “Squad Goals” photos. Or some people call them “prison poses.” That’s not applicable here because, and this is a dad bragging, London’s friends have a higher purpose in mind for their adulthood. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: The Squad Goals Photo”

SKETCHBOOK: So This Happened Tonight

And so it goes… My little boy isn’t little anymore. He’s a young man and, if I do say so myself, a fine one. Tonight is his senior prom and here I am, bawling into my keyboard like a running faucet.  Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: So This Happened Tonight”

SKETCHBOOK: Watch Yourself

Of course, that’s not a message to Megan and Tyler. They are amazing and I’m excited about the life and the love they’re building with each other. It’s a warning to photographers. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Watch Yourself”

SKETCHBOOK: Where’s The House

In Louisville on River Road and Frankfort Avenue, there’s an awesome facade for a house that was built in the 19th century and we did some engagement photos of Megan and Tyler there. As beautiful as the structure is, Megan and Tyler still put it to shame. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Where’s The House”