Old Louisville Wildlife

My neighbor walked up to the brand new, and much welcomed, Old Louisville Coffee Co-Op, we took in the sights. That included this cute little bunny rabbit. It was quite the surprise for me to see a bunny in the middle of an urban area, but it was quite the welcome sight. Maybe he, or she, was happy the coffee co-op opened, too.

It’s Been A While. Thanks pandemic.

It’s been quite some time thanks to COVID, since we’ve been able to work with people in front of my lens.

Luckily, Misty’s parents Dale and Bootsie agreed to let me see if my shutter finger still worked. So we traveled through parts of Old Louisville and encouraged them to be romantic and sweet. That wasn’t hard at all. I’m glad they let me press the button on the good stuff.

I’ll show you more in a bit.

Birthday at Shady Villa

Just wanted to post a quick gallery of the birthday gathering we had for Misty last night. I wouldn’t really call it a birthday party because we didn’t do the whole singing-and-blowing-out-candles thing. Just a gathering of neighbors and friends. Continue reading “Birthday at Shady Villa”