SKETCHBOOK: The Three Amigos

That’s London, Patrick and Brayden. They’re the football players we call The Three Amigos. They don’t. I don’t think they ever have because I’m not sure they have ever paid attention to how obvious their friendship is. On the football field, it was obvious. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: The Three Amigos”

SKETCHBOOK: The Squad Goals Photo

They’re 17 and 18 years old, so what’s a prom photo shoot without one of those “Squad Goals” photos. Or some people call them “prison poses.” That’s not applicable here because, and this is a dad bragging, London’s friends have a higher purpose in mind for their adulthood. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: The Squad Goals Photo”

SKETCHBOOK: So This Happened Tonight

And so it goes… My little boy isn’t little anymore. He’s a young man and, if I do say so myself, a fine one. Tonight is his senior prom and here I am, bawling into my keyboard like a running faucet.  Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: So This Happened Tonight”

SKETCHBOOK: Shelbie in a Popular Spot

By this time, Shelbie’s prom is in full swing but just a little while ago, we knocked out her prom photos and I know what you’re thinking and I can assure you that you’re right. She looks prettier than any princess that you’ve ever seen.

Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Shelbie in a Popular Spot”

SKETCHBOOK: Shelbie’s Prom

It’s prom season in Louisville and Misty and I are lucky enough to be prom photographers on top of the other types of photography that we do. When people ask, I always say I’m a lifestyle photographer because I want to make pictures of the important moments of your life.

Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Shelbie’s Prom”

Prom Night for London

What a transitional year for my family, mostly due to the maturation of my son London. He’s a high school junior. He just turned 17. He has a serious girlfriend. And he just went to his first prom. That young lady in the cover photo is Danielle and that was his date for that traditionally pivotal high school dance ceremony, this year at the Mellwood Arts Center. Continue reading “Prom Night for London”

Prom Prep with Shelbie

This past Saturday, I got a chance to enter a new photo genre: prom prep. It was fun with our willing model Shelbie, who is totally beautiful, which you can see in the before and after photos above. I love that she was game for pretty much anything we did. It made my job much easier to just be able to shoot to my heart’s content. With what you’ll see, I think you’ll agree that she brought the pretty in a big way. Continue reading “Prom Prep with Shelbie”

A prom night of the pink variety


Last night, Louisville got to raise money for the Louisville affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure and it got to do a little partying besides at the Pink Prom. Continue reading “A prom night of the pink variety”