SKETCHBOOK: Shelbie in a Popular Spot

By this time, Shelbie’s prom is in full swing but just a little while ago, we knocked out her prom photos and I know what you’re thinking and I can assure you that you’re right. She looks prettier than any princess that you’ve ever seen.

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SKETCHBOOK: Shelbie’s Prom

It’s prom season in Louisville and Misty and I are lucky enough to be prom photographers on top of the other types of photography that we do. When people ask, I always say I’m a lifestyle photographer because I want to make pictures of the important moments of your life.

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SKETCHBOOK: Shelbie the Senior

Back in March, we got a chance to do some photos of Shelbie for her prom. Not the actual photos that you associate with prom, but we did the prom prep, which is kind of like what we do for weddings where we show the bride getting ready. It was my first time doing that sort of shoot and I thought it was awesome. You can see those photos hereContinue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Shelbie the Senior”

Prom Prep with Shelbie

This past Saturday, I got a chance to enter a new photo genre: prom prep. It was fun with our willing model Shelbie, who is totally beautiful, which you can see in the before and after photos above. I love that she was game for pretty much anything we did. It made my job much easier to just be able to shoot to my heart’s content. With what you’ll see, I think you’ll agree that she brought the pretty in a big way. Continue reading “Prom Prep with Shelbie”