FLASHBACK: 9 Years Ago

This was actually 9 years ago yesterday, but I got so busy with the day job I didn’t have time to create this post. But I think it’s so good, I decided not to wait for a 10 years ago post in 364 days. Obviously it was made during March Insanity (you know what it’s really called, but the NCAA won’t let anyone say it unless you’re giving them money) and the University of Louisville was doing well.

Continue reading “FLASHBACK: 9 Years Ago”

SKETCHBOOK: That Senior Twin

I know I’ve bragged about my senior portrait clients and how they’re the best. Justice here, the oldest twin from a couple of weeks ago, and I have tons in common. He’s a huge University of Louisville fan. That’s already a good thing. But he wanted some photos on campus as well. Imagine how much I was down for that. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: That Senior Twin”

How My New Venture Includes Peyton Siva

One of my lifelong dreams came to fruition today. Ever since high school, I fancied myself a sports writer. My big dream involved me getting an entire page of the sports section for columns, articles or whatever tickled my fancy. That part Continue reading “How My New Venture Includes Peyton Siva”