Two Infinity and Beyond

Part two of my grandson Jeremiah’s two year old birthday celebration was at the Newport Aquarium and he had a big time. My favorite part is how he likes to laugh when my camera is pointed at him. He’s decided that’s the easiest way to bring up that million dollar smile. So I kept getting shots like this.

Happy 21st Birthday

Hard to believe because it seems like the time has gone so fast, but my son London is 21 today. A couple of weekends ago, we were lucky enough to spend some time with he and his young family.

We probably should have told him what we were going to do, but that would have spoiled the fun. We went to dinner at his old favorite Mexican restaurant, El Nopal. That wasn’t the issue. Misty made sure that the restaurant knew it was his birthday so why not smash whipped cream into his beard?

Plus, this gives me the chance to show off photos of his greatest present ever, Jeremiah. I always felt that about my kids so it’s nice to know that he feels the same way. Happy birthday son. I love you more than ever.

And yes, when we leave El Nopal, the table always looks like this. We enjoy having a good time.

This. Kid. Right. Here.

There’s a part of the Tao that I was reading today and it reminded me of my son London because it describes his personality. He’s never read the Tao and at this point of his life, he’s not even interested in it, but part of it is in him nonetheless. Continue reading “This. Kid. Right. Here.”