Jellyfishing! Jellyfishing!

Though Jeremiah and I never saw SpongeBob or Patrick, we knew they would have been proud of us for spending some time at the Newport Aquarium doing some jellyfishing.

We didn’t bring our jellyfish nets, but I brought a camera to do some capturing.

SKETCHBOOK: A Night To Remember

Amongst their group of friends, when Sean and Jalacoe (Jason) announced their wedding plans last year, we all knew it would live up to the title “A Night To Remember.” Misty and I were honored to be the photographers of record at the historic Grand Theater in New Albany, Indiana.

The venue was beautiful and Sean and Jason were the most handsome grooms in Kentuckiana this weekend. Friends and family gathered to celebrate the fact that they’ve been together 12 years. Everyone had stories among themselves and some to share, too. In fact, they didn’t have two toasters, they had 4.

The Grand did a great job and everyone was smooth in their roles. By the way, wedding party photos before the ceremony are best. Sean and Jason’s were flawless. I’ll show you a few shortly.


Kind of a Pang

Last week I had a bit of a creative pang. The commercial photography outfit I used to work with wanted to know if I was available for a day this week. I have to admit I considered it.

 About 5 seconds of consideration. Then I remembered why I can’t work for them anymore. Continue reading “Kind of a Pang”

The First Friday Photos Are Up


If you get the chance to check Metromix, you’ll find the photos I shot for the Republic Bank First Friday Trolley Hop in NuLu. Yesterday’s article included photos I made after the assignment and I said Continue reading “The First Friday Photos Are Up”