Jellyfishing! Jellyfishing!

Though Jeremiah and I never saw SpongeBob or Patrick, we knew they would have been proud of us for spending some time at the Newport Aquarium doing some jellyfishing.

We didn’t bring our jellyfish nets, but I brought a camera to do some capturing.

SKETCHBOOK: Tender Moments are Fun Moments

I’ve already mentioned how easy it was to make remarkable photos of Megan and Tyler at their engagement photo shoot. And, as you’ve seen from the photos so far, that’s the truth.  Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Tender Moments are Fun Moments”

SKETCHBOOK: Getting the Other Groom Together

Yesterday, I showed you Jalacoe getting his final adjustments made before the wedding photos. The couple decided to do the photos before the ceremony and whenever a couple decides to do that, the rest of the ceremony goes so much more smoothly. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Getting the Other Groom Together”

SKETCHBOOK: A Night To Remember

Amongst their group of friends, when Sean and Jalacoe (Jason) announced their wedding plans last year, we all knew it would live up to the title “A Night To Remember.” Misty and I were honored to be the photographers of record at the historic Grand Theater in New Albany, Indiana.

The venue was beautiful and Sean and Jason were the most handsome grooms in Kentuckiana this weekend. Friends and family gathered to celebrate the fact that they’ve been together 12 years. Everyone had stories among themselves and some to share, too. In fact, they didn’t have two toasters, they had 4.

The Grand did a great job and everyone was smooth in their roles. By the way, wedding party photos before the ceremony are best. Sean and Jason’s were flawless. I’ll show you a few shortly.


FOOTBALL: Valley at Holy Cross

It was another tough Friday night for the walking wounded Valley Viking football team. They went up Dixie Highway a few miles to Holy Cross to take on the Cougars. On the sideline you had a starting quarterback on crutches thanks to a torn ACL, a starting running back going through the concussion protocol and two other concussed players that the team depends on. The remaining players gutted it out but fell short 36-6. Continue reading “FOOTBALL: Valley at Holy Cross”

My Best of Times

On Monday I discussed my challenges over the past month and alluded to the yang to that yin, i.e., the best of times. That happened when my daughter Talia came home. I don’t think my heart could have soared any higher when I saw her after so many months of her being away in Latin America. Continue reading “My Best of Times”

Where Ya Been?

So one question that’s sure to come up from readers of this blog is, “Tim, where ya been?”

Let me tell you. Lately, it’s been like A Tale of Two Cities in that it’s been the best of times – it’s been the worst of times. Of course, that opening line is considered cliched hyperbole now. In my case, the challenging part over the last few weeks has been the worst attack of gout I’ve had in 5 years. One day: normal. Next day: pain. The day after: crutches. Continue reading “Where Ya Been?”

Going On Vacation

For the next week, This Is Louisville won’t have updates because I find myself on vacation for the first time in 5 or 6 years. In the interim, you can find updates from me on my new sister site: Continue reading “Going On Vacation”