Jellyfishing! Jellyfishing!

Though Jeremiah and I never saw SpongeBob or Patrick, we knew they would have been proud of us for spending some time at the Newport Aquarium doing some jellyfishing.

We didn’t bring our jellyfish nets, but I brought a camera to do some capturing.

SKETCHBOOK: McClain-Girton Generations

We started the day yesterday with a trip to Farnsley-Moreman Landing to do some family portraits and it was especially family oriented for me. The entire thing was set up by Ronesha because she wanted portraits of her family. Ronesha is my niece. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: McClain-Girton Generations”

Where Ya Been?

So one question that’s sure to come up from readers of this blog is, “Tim, where ya been?”

Let me tell you. Lately, it’s been like A Tale of Two Cities in that it’s been the best of times – it’s been the worst of times. Of course, that opening line is considered cliched hyperbole now. In my case, the challenging part over the last few weeks has been the worst attack of gout I’ve had in 5 years. One day: normal. Next day: pain. The day after: crutches. Continue reading “Where Ya Been?”

The onslaught of the holidays

Girton Christmas Dinner by Tim Girton

Yeah, I know.

It’s been way too long since I’ve updated and I have reasons why, but in the end they just sound like excuses. But it’s a new year and, in keeping with resolutions, we’ll try to make it a no-excuses year. Continue reading “The onslaught of the holidays”