
Supermodel Abby

We got a chance to work with Abby yesterday and had an amazing time. She was easy to work with and she got great photos. I was happy to be the guy standing in front of her and pressing the shutter. Now I get to brag about how she made great photos, but this supermodel did all the hard work.

I hope she enjoys her senior photos because I’m enjoying the edit.


I’m a sucker for photos like this.

In most senior photos, the parents, who are the funds keepers, prefer smiling photos of their progeny. And Abby has a fantastic smile so you know why her parents would love to see those kinds of photos. But Abby also look smashing in a thoughtful kind of portrait. She didn’t know I was going to shoot this one but I saw the moment in my viewfinder and had to make this photo.


We warned Abby during her senior portrait photoshoot that I’ll take photos like that. She tested me. I snapped. And you know what? She still looks amazing as she did in all her senior photos. It was such an exciting day for me because the pandemic mostly wiped out business. The fact that I got to exercise my shutter finger made for the best Sunday in a long time. Thank you, Abby. She did great.

It’s Been A While. Thanks pandemic.

It’s been quite some time thanks to COVID, since we’ve been able to work with people in front of my lens.

Luckily, Misty’s parents Dale and Bootsie agreed to let me see if my shutter finger still worked. So we traveled through parts of Old Louisville and encouraged them to be romantic and sweet. That wasn’t hard at all. I’m glad they let me press the button on the good stuff.

I’ll show you more in a bit.

July 17, 2021 – Party Day

We’ve been doing our helping thing, because that’s what grandparents do, but today’s the day to let this little guy know how much we love him and love the fact that he’s here.

Misty and Kacy put together an insanely large and hard to put together balloon garland. The cake is pretty cool and the Sesame Street muppet cupcakes are ready.

Time to sing Happy Birthday and let him know how much we love him. That’s my favorite part. Sharing with him how much we love him.

Jeremiah Turns One

When we were setting up his first birthday shoot, Jeremiah was just being too cute and this photographer, and grandfather had to grab a shot.

His mom had a few water drops put in his hair to make it super cute and curly. And the balloons were certainly different then when he went to bed. But it was “YAY” time and he made it so much fun we kept making cute photos.

I should warn you. There will be plenty more coming.

Monochrome Memorial Day

Another socially distanced holiday is upon us so we ended up doing a small celebration with close friends. And then there’s the photogeek that figures the alliteration would be cool. All that added up to Monochrome Memorial Day.

So I grabbed my Micro Four Thirds camera (yes, I still love Olympus) and used the built in black and white Art filter. Luckily, I liked the output and put together the collage in the Olympus software.

It was hard to fight the natural inclination to put the images in Lightroom, but I did. And I still like the images.

Happy 21st Birthday

Hard to believe because it seems like the time has gone so fast, but my son London is 21 today. A couple of weekends ago, we were lucky enough to spend some time with he and his young family.

We probably should have told him what we were going to do, but that would have spoiled the fun. We went to dinner at his old favorite Mexican restaurant, El Nopal. That wasn’t the issue. Misty made sure that the restaurant knew it was his birthday so why not smash whipped cream into his beard?

Plus, this gives me the chance to show off photos of his greatest present ever, Jeremiah. I always felt that about my kids so it’s nice to know that he feels the same way. Happy birthday son. I love you more than ever.

And yes, when we leave El Nopal, the table always looks like this. We enjoy having a good time.

FLASHBACK: 9 Years Ago

This was actually 9 years ago yesterday, but I got so busy with the day job I didn’t have time to create this post. But I think it’s so good, I decided not to wait for a 10 years ago post in 364 days. Obviously it was made during March Insanity (you know what it’s really called, but the NCAA won’t let anyone say it unless you’re giving them money) and the University of Louisville was doing well.

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