Test Shots Can Be Keepers, Too

Most professional photographers will shoot a test or two to make sure the camera and the strobes are speaking to each other the way we want them to. And even though you tell your portrait subject to relax and the test won’t count, sometimes you get magic anyway.

Continue reading “Test Shots Can Be Keepers, Too”

Three Years Ago

Three years ago is a long time. And when you are a portrait photographer during the coronavirus, it seems even longer. I can social distance while making portraits, but I understand why people don’t want to take a chance.

Continue reading “Three Years Ago”

Babies Are Wonderful. Grandbabies Sure Are, Too

Most of my published photos of Jeremiah, my grandson, have so far been posted at my mobile photography blog PXLpeep as an ode to my newly re-energized passion for mobile phone photography thanks to the Google Pixel phone. Continue reading “Babies Are Wonderful. Grandbabies Sure Are, Too”

SKETCHBOOK: Candy Crush with Friends

Sometimes you’ll discover a video game that you think is awesome. That’s what happened to Misty when she upgraded her phone (thanks Tabitha). On this phone was the game Candy Crush. Yes, I know, there are those that have played it for a while, but it’s new to her.

Then, she let Victoria know she likes the game. This is one of those games that Victoria likes as well. And all of a sudden, tag-team Candy Crush was born.

Archer’s Birthday

I’ve been going back and forth about what to do with my website and, in particular, my blog. I’ve been on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and any other social network of any import trying to figure out how to make the best impression for SEO and Google purposes. Continue reading “Archer’s Birthday”

SKETCHBOOK: Running For It

So Misty and I were thinking, what do you do when you have a photo shoot with active twin boys? You let them be boys and hope you, as a photographer, can keep up. As the photographer, I can tell you, it was as fun as it was challenging. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: Running For It”

SKETCHBOOK: The Three Amigos

That’s London, Patrick and Brayden. They’re the football players we call The Three Amigos. They don’t. I don’t think they ever have because I’m not sure they have ever paid attention to how obvious their friendship is. On the football field, it was obvious. Continue reading “SKETCHBOOK: The Three Amigos”

This. Kid. Right. Here.

There’s a part of the Tao that I was reading today and it reminded me of my son London because it describes his personality. He’s never read the Tao and at this point of his life, he’s not even interested in it, but part of it is in him nonetheless. Continue reading “This. Kid. Right. Here.”